By: TSHA Advocacy Team of Lori Colletti, Vice President for Advocacy; Mark Hanna, Legal and Legislative Counsel; and Larry Higdon, Director of Legislation
89th Legislative Session
- Bill filing has begun for the 89th legislative session. On the first day of filing, more than 1,400 bills were filed. By the end of the first week of filing, the number had risen to more than 2,000 bills.
- Anyone wishing to read the content of a bill may go to Texas Legislature Online and search for any bill by number or the author/sponsor.
- By the end of the first week, 24 bills of importance to speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and the professions have been filed. Most of those bills are related to Medicaid reimbursement.
- Remember that more than 8,000 bills are expected to be filed, and fewer than one-third will receive a hearing. During the 2023 session, TSHA identified approximately 150 bills that were monitored by the TSHA legislative team.
- The bills being actively followed by the TSHA legislative team in Austin will be posted for member information. Those bills requiring specific member attention will be notated with directions for member action.
- Anyone who sees a bill that TSHA is not following that they believe affects the professions and particularly TSHA should contact either Larry Higdon or Mark Hanna of the TSHA legislative team. If there is an issue of a legislative or regulatory nature you believe needs to be addressed by TSHA, contact VP for Advocacy Lori Colletti.
- Six of the seven candidates the TSHA PAC supported with contributions in the recent election cycle were re-elected.
- In a close race in the Rio Grande Valley, our friend Sen. Morgan LaMantia was not re-elected.
- The PAC coffers are at an all-time low and need donations to allow them to continue to support our champions in the legislature who work on our behalf. If you can help, please do.
Consider a Donation to the TSHA PAC Today
Interstate Compact Legislation Status
- TSHA is a member of the Interstate Compact Coalition. The Coalition consists of 10 professional associations that are filing compact bills this session.
- The Coalition meets at least monthly and held a meet-and-greet session in the Capitol for legislators and their staff the second week of November to highlight and explain the purpose of compact legislation.
- A one-page handout has been developed by the Coalition explaining the value of compacts for providers and clients.
- TSHA has a one-page handout specifically related to our professions.
- Sen. Kolkhorst, who opposed compact legislation in previous sessions, has agreed to sit down with the Coalition prior to the session for a roundtable discussion.
- The Coalition is working to obtain an appointment with Lt. Governor Patrick to discuss the passage of compact legislation this session.
Next Month
A plan of action for members will be included in the December Legislative Advocacy Brief. It will include timelines for action related to bills TSHA supports/opposes and needed involvement of our members with legislators.